Thursday, October 23, 2008


September was filled with a variety of small, but fun events. My parents visited during the last week of August and after seeing how much work was still left to finish on our house, my dad offered to stay and help. We were not about to say no.

Zack Tate, A friend of ours from Anacortes, spent his last 5 days before a 7-month deployment at our house. Because his family is still in Pensacola, FL and will remain there until he returns, Zack needed a place to crash during his last few days of freedom. He also helped with a few house projects. It was a real blessing to have so much help!

Our new windows finally arrived! After months and MONTHS of fighting with the window company (it's a LOOOOOOONG story), the windows that we ordered and paid for in June were finally installed. What a blessing to be able to open the windows and enjoy a breeze on nice days!

On September 11th, Emma returned to the feeding clinic for another weigh-in. This time, she'd only gained about half of what they were hoping for although she is still developing quite normally. Elaine told me that we could probably lose the feeding tube since it had been so long since we'd used it, but I said I would feel more comfortable with 1 more weigh-in. She gave me many ideas on how to add fat and calories to Emma's meals, and I have been faithfully following her instructions for fattening Emma up ever since. Our next appointment is November 19th and regardless of her gain, Chris and I feel quite comfortable moving forward with taking Emma's tube OUT OUT OUT. She is eating like a champ! We are done with that G tube!

Chris left for a month at sea on September 16th. I decided that it would be a perfect time for Emma and I to return to Ohio and take advantage of the waning time that we have to live within driving distance of our families. But before we could leave, we had to show up for Emma's appointment with CHKD's NICU follow-up clinic on September 25th, an appointment that we had to wait 6 months for. The appointment was nearly 2 hours long, but Emma passed all her developmental tests with flying colors! She even surprised me by doing a few things that I didn't think she could do! When the testing was over and the neonatologist came in to see her, he declared that she'd tested so well he didn't see a need for continued follow-up. We were officially discharged that afternoon, and Emma received a onesie and baseball cap as a little graduation present! Another incredible milestone for her and reason for Chris and I to praise God! We left for Ohio the next morning and Emma (and our dog) were angels during the looooong 12-hour drive.

Stay tuned for October...

Emma discovered mommy's old sunglasses.
She walked around the house saying, "Cool, cool." all morning!

Playing in the Children's Garden at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

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