Friday, May 23, 2008


It feels good.

I have been intending to start a blog for our family for quite some time now. Those of you who are well-acquainted with our family's story are probably familiar with the site we started when Emma was born in order to keep everyone updated on her health which was, at the time, not so good. Now that Emma is a bright, shiny, bouncy happy kiddo, I decided it was time to step away from the medical updates and move on to less dramatic and more ordinary things. Welcome to "Love-Laced Letters" - our attempt at keeping those inquiring minds out there satisfied with stories, pictures, and general updates about the craziness (and "ordinary-ness") that is our life. Welcome. We're glad you're here.

p.s. For those of you who are unfamiliar with and interested in Emma's story, you can find at:
site name = emmalovelace
password = emma0214


Unknown said...

Jen -- I can only think of words at this point -- awed, humbled, thrilled. Awed by the wonderful way you have expressed God's grace on Emma's caringbridge site. Humbled by the depth of your faith (and the shallowness of mine in comparison). And thrilled beyond belief that Emma is doing so well.

I hope you consider writing a book, or even combining some of the journal entries into one. More people should hear of the faith-filled journey you and Chris have undertaken, and the amazing revelations you have had.

Much love -- Ann Alsina

Unknown said...

I read your last writings on CaringBridge and they were wonderful. I am anxious to talk to you about your trip and when are you coming home? This is going to be fun!

Libby said...

i will chim in with how tasty and insightful your final words as Caring Bridge were Jen. You leave me with hope for the unknown and whatif's. Thank you for carrying us all with you through your most turbulent times. I'm ready to share in yout ordinary news! So, what's the weather like today? ;)