Monday, November 24, 2008

Emma's Surgery

Happy Monday morning! We just wanted to again ask those of you who might happen to read this today to pray for Emma's surgery tomorrow. The hospital called this morning to tell us her surgery is scheduled for 11:15AM. We are to be at the hospital just after 9AM and can expect to be there until about 2:30 or so. The surgery itself is only an hour from start to finish, including anasthesia, but there's the customary meeting with the anasthesiologist beforehand as well as follow-up procedures to review afterwards.

Please pray that her surgery will be safe, effective, and free from any difficulties or complications. We are so thrilled to finally close the final chapter tying us to Emma's challenging start! She is doing so well - growing, talking, laughing, playing, eating, and bringing us more and more joy on a daily basis. Thanks for all your love and support!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woke up thinking about you guys this morning! praying for you all . . .
