Before the ceremony. The 2 silver bars on Chris' collar signify his rank of Lieutenant.
Today is another special day in the Lovelace household. Today Chris threw off the shackles of "junior-officerdom" and became an O-4 (known as a Lieutenant Commander). For those of you unfamiliar with our Navy world, allow me to clarify. In the Navy, authority is given and jobs are doled out according to rank. The lowest ranking officers are O-1 's (called Ensigns) and the highest ranking officer is an O-10 (Admiral - the Chief of Naval Operations). Junior officers are officers with the rank of O-1, O-2 and O-3 (called Ensign, Lieutenant jr. grade, and Lieutenant). For more information, check this out:
Now, I'm no Navy expert, but here's what I understand to be true: Most people who are only serving their time because they had college paid for or who join the Navy and decide it's not for them get out as junior officers. I have been told that it is fairly easy to progress through the ranks of junior-officerdom meaning that unless you screw up and do something really stupid, you're going to get promoted from an Ensign to a Lieutenant jr. grade to a Lieutenant. You'd have to work pretty hard NOT to received these increases in rank.
Now here's the part where I do some shameless bragging and embarass my modest and wonderful husband. Becoming an O-4 (Lieutenant Commander) is the first rank promotion that is merit-based, a promotion given only to those who have earned it. Not everyone who hopes to become a LCDR is given this promotion. This means not only that Chris has done his job well thus far, but also that others have noticed. Becoming a Lieutenant Commander means Chris leaves the crazy fun fraternity of being a junior officer (JO) and actually gets to be called "sir" on occasion. It is an increase in rank, an increase in pay, and most importantly an increase in responsibility. And we couldn't be more proud of him.
So to celebrate, Emma and I got all dolled up this morning and met daddy for lunch at the Officer's Club on base. Afterwards, we went to his office where Emma entertained everyone (by toddling around the building yelling, "Going! Going! Going!") while we waited for the Admiral to return. Most of the people he works with gathered around to watch Chris and co-worker Rich get sworn in as Lieutenant Commanders. And I had the honor of pinning his new rank insignia on his uniform. It was a very exciting day and we praise God for blessing Chris's efforts at work!
The Admiral swears Chris in.
The Admiral and I pin on Chris's new rank while Emma looks a little drunk.
Admiral Cullom says a few words. Check out all those medals!
After the ceremony, Chris signs papers to make everything "official."
Congratulations for daddy while Emma flirts with the Admiral.
After the ceremony. The gold oak leaf on Chris' collar signifies his new rank of Lieutenant Commander.
1 comment:
Emma looks mighty fine in her perky summer dress:)
CONGRATULATIONS to Chris on his promotion!
Of course, I am MOST excited because the Lovelace's will be coming HOME to the Northwest sooooooon:) Good job, Chris.
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